Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ninja's "Cheater Method" for Widget Back-ups

Any time you are messing around with the HTML side of your blog layout, you run the risk of losing your widgets. Scary, isn't it?

So what do you do if you want to make sure that doesn't happen?

Follow these steps and you will be safe:

(If you are very familiar with code, you can go here and follow these instructions, but if code looks like Greek to you, stick with me and I will show you a more "friendly" way to do this!)

1. Go to your Blogger dashboard and click "Layout".

2. Click "Page Elements". You should see something similar to this:

(See all those little links that say "Edit"? Each of those is something you may need to back up.)

3. Go to your first widget and click "Edit". (Just so we're all on the same page, let's start with the widget containing your Artfire Studio.) You should see this:

4. Copy all the code in the box, and paste it to a new file in Word, Notepad, or whatever word processing program you use. It will be super helpful later if you add a title before what you paste, like this:

5. Repeat this process for every widget you have containing code. Be sure to save your pasted document every few minutes so you don't end up losing all that work you're doing!

* Some of your widgets won't have code in them, like "About Me", for instance. Don't let these worry you too much. These widgets are easy to reinstall, so backing them up isn't such a huge issue. Just be sure you make a note of them somewhere so you can be sure to check for them later. *

Be certain you save your pasted document once you are done, and make sure you name it something you can easily find later. I just call mine "Widget Backup" and it's saved on my desktop!

To learn to change your template, go here: How to Change the Look of Your Blog

To learn to reinstall your backed up widgets, go here: Ninja's "Cheater Method" for Widget Re-Installation

If you have any questions, let me know!


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